There is something about the story of salvation which stumps the angels. The angels who understand enough about God's redemptive plan to sing: "Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to men on whom His favour rests" also understand that there is layer upon layer of mystery surrounding this story of the God-Man.
The angel who said "I bring you good tidings of great joy that will be for all the people. And these tidings are as follows: Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; He is Christ the Lord" realized that he (the angel) has only begun to scratch the surface of the cliffhanger that the Christ-child presented.
Even angels long to look into these things. To read the passage in its entirety, click here.
Why even angels? Because, outside of the Trinity, if anyone is on the inside loop of what the Godhead is up to, it must be the angels. Did they, who are faced with the unbearable brightness of God's unmasked holiness eternal moment after eternal moment, see that brightness dim as Jesus, the second person of the Trinity vacated heaven. One instant He was there, then the next instant He was gone. Did the angels feel heartbreak; a sense of loss? In the instant that earth gained a God-made-flesh; heaven lost the presence of the Son. He was now geographically on earth.
But, if the angels strained hard enough...if they held their celestial binoculars to their eyes they. could. just. about. see the two celled foetus, that was the second person of the Trinity, pulsing life as He grew in a teenage's womb in the Back-of-Beyondsville, Palestine.
The angels long to look into these things. Even though the angels have the inside scoop when it comes to God, what don't they have? A salvation experience! They were created beings, created perfect. They did not need to be saved.
So, I wonder whether angels long to look into these things, because it's something that they will never know first hand? They see God, they get God, they worship God, they can see His glory and not die...but they will never relate to God as those who are redeemed; they will never relate to Jesus as Saviour. If it were possible for angels to feel jealous, when faced with the brilliance and majesty of God, would they feel jealous of us because we relate to God in a way they never will?
They understand that the story of salvation is a mystery. They LONG to look into these things! But my question is do I long to delve beneath the immediate to the mystery that is only grasped by the explorer? Am I content with dipping my toes into the shallows of of God, or am I willing to put on the scuba gear and go exploring the depths of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! (Romans 11:33)
Have I opened my Bible this Christmas season? And if I have, are the eyes of my heart obscured by the familiar? God, may You open my eyes to the mystery surrounding the birth of Jesus. May you grow in me the explorer-spirit of the angels: that I may long to look into these things, and understand and experience in a fresh way, the magnificence and the mystery of You being made flesh and dwelling among us: Emmanuel. God with us. God with me.
"the people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned" (Matt 4:16)
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